Register school buses

All school buses are register in the system.


Instant location alerts of the school bus

Track location of school buses effortlessly.

Easily track the current location of the school bus when needed.

Auto captured images inside the school bus via mobile

Images will be captured inside the school bus automatically.

Auto capturing of images inside the school bus. Can be reviewed by a administrator later at a anytime.


CCTV monitoring inside the school bus via mobile

Use mobile phones camera to view inside the school bus.

Monitor inside the school bus via the mobile phone camera at anytime.

School bus get-on/get-off notifications to parents

Keep parents in the lop with real time notification of the students location.

Parents are notified when the child get on and get off the bus.


Register school bus owners

Register school bus owners in the system.

Individual login accounts for school bus owners

Individual login accounts for each school bus.


Vehicle maintenance records

Records of vehicle maintenance accessible online.

Easily check whether the vehicle is maintained properly to transport students safely.