New inventory items can be added upon purchase and registered In the system with information fields specific to that item.
Distinctive inventory item templates can be created for distinct items with information fields specific to that item.
Item check-in (return) to the inventory process can be administered with ease, Check-in process information will be recorded. Check-in process information for every item in the inventory available online for easy retrieval by administrators for auditing purposes.
Item check-in (release) from the inventory process can be administered with ease, Check-out process information will be recorded. Check-out process information for every item in the inventory available online for easy retrieval by administrators for auditing purposes.
Re-order alerts displayed when a certain inventory item quantity goes below the critical quantity which can be configured for items specifically.
Item visibility can be administered so that only authorized employees can view a specific item.
Item location can be changed on the fly, Easy to trace an item to it's current location.